Thursday, January 17, 2008


Time is a Godsend and a curse. Nine months brings life, and 100 years brings death. Time is unavoidable, inescapable, and ominous. Time is the progression of everything through its lifespan or duty, if applicable. Time can be categorized and put into units of measurement, but never solidly and correctly defined. Time is infinite, but for our sake, cut down into seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, decades and so forth. When we ask ourselves what a minute is, it is easy to respond 60 seconds; but what is a second? A second is a unit to measure time, but what is time? It is a dumbfounding question that always comes full circle. Time cannot be rewound to our dismay. As mysterious as time is, events within time are set in stone. We cannot recover time, nor can we create it. Aging, decay, birth, death, creation, extinction, and an endless amount of other things are all products of time. Time has been, and always will be an ominous thing, if it is a thing that is.